A little more Latitude

By Julian Rowe

14 Apr 2021


Yesterday, LocalGlobe announced its new fundraise, tucked in to which was the note that we’ve also raised a new Latitude fund of $220m (we remain believers that your fund size defines your strategy).

This new Latitude fund means business as usual.

We will continue to invest from series B+, both in amazing breakout companies emerging from LocalGlobe, as well as in new companies to the Latitude family.

We will continue to be open and collaborative with co-investors — this is our default setting and it’s something we’ve hugely enjoyed as Latitude has found its feet as a fund with a distinct non-lead approach.

We will continue to build and invest into the reach and support we can offer founders, making sure that Latitude can have impact well beyond the size of cheque we write at series B+.

Given how vibrant the UK and European startup and scaleup ecosystem is today, it’s easy to forget how crucial pieces of infrastructure are still being built. We believe there continues to be a shortage of capital for the most ambitious founders from series B+ through to IPO on the ground in Europe.

As longstanding ecosystem builders, this is what motivates as we continue to work with founders through Latitude.